How Many Babies Do Guinea Pigs Have? - Guinea Pig Hub This is extremely taxing on the body of the female guinea pig and dangerous to her., If you know anything about guinea pigs, you know they love to play. They are basically saying . However, some people have asked whether or not guinea pigs miss their babies after they have been separated. A mix of alfalfa and timothy hay could keep the mother full and prevent this from happening. Genetic abnormalities have been reported in guinea pigs, similar to those found in other breeds of animals (such as hip dysplasia in dogs). You can find a mentor by asking your local cavy club to put you in touch with suitable experienced breeders. If you want some more information on guinea pig interactions, check out these posts: The Truth About Single Guinea Pigs (Is It Okay To Just Have One?) There is a chance that your sow will only partially eat her offspring, particularly if she killed them by accident. Newborn Guinea Pigs - What You Should Avoid - Guinea Pig Site Popcorning is an incredibly descriptive term to describe the frenzied bursts of energetic jumping, bumping and hopping about that guinea pigs engage in. In a pet situation, the male may be in the same guinea pig cage as the female and her newborns, and there is no way for the mother to move the pups away from . Guinea Pigs make excellent pets due to their playful, social nature. Garner-Richardson, V., Guinea Pig Nutrition, The Veterinary Nurse, 2013. And all the behaviors theyll need to carry out for themselves instead of having performed for them by mom like grooming will be well established. Newborn guinea pigs should be kept with their mom for at least 3 weeks. Place the cage in a quiet, draft-free area your home that is out of direct sunlight. The all natural Piggies Choice Hay Racks are available finally! If the mother is experiencing starvation , she may eat her offspring as an ultimate last resort. When you decide to introduce baby guinea pigs to an adult guinea pig, follow their behavior (monitor them for aggression) and respond quickly. Do Chickens Get Lonely? They are able to see, hear and move around once they are born. Hold your guinea pig securely and gently turn him / her over. If you are unsure if the guinea pig is missing its baby, you may not be able to know if it is ill and needs to see a veterinarian. (n.d.). (Keep that food bowl appropriately full!) During our research we learned that there are two possible reasons why: This was one question that had me really worried. How long does it take for a baby guinea pig to walk? Stress can cause guinea pigs to eat their babies, and stress-induced cannibalism is also very common in guinea pigs, and unfortunately, quite unavoidable at times.Do your best to keep them well fed and give them plenty of rest so they can stay calm. How To Prevent a New Mother from Eating Her Babies?, Pregnancy toxemia in Guinea pigs. This article has been extensively revised for 2019. I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. We hope you found this article helpful about what to expect when expecting newborn baby guinea pigs! Guinea pigs weigh between 700 and 1200g. When a guinea pig is about to give birth, any male guinea pigs near her will gather around and try to become the dominant male in order to both protect the female and mate with her. If they are isolated, they may become lonely and sad. This website was inspired by our guinea pig pair, Theo and Remmy, and is our familys journey to becoming the best guinea pig parents. More research must be conducted to determine whether or not guinea pigs truly miss their babies when they are apart. Likely she has forgotten all about them, and is instead planning to to escape and start her next litter. (Find Out Now)Continue. During pregnancy your sow will need lots of energy and vitamin C, so make sure her hay doesnt run out, and offer a larger helping of fresh fruit and veg every day. She is also teaching them how to interact with other guinea pigs. All rights reserved. You can take some precautions to lower the risk of a guinea pig baby being eaten. Keeping the father around is a very bad idea and adds to the stress of the female guinea pig about to deliver her litter. Equally, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their babies because they dont eat meat. 15 Best Pet Freshwater Fish For Beginners. An indoor cage size of 18" x 24" (45 x 60 cm) should comfortably accommodate a guinea pig. B., Auditory spatial responses of young guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during and after ear blocking, Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1978. Guinea Pigs do best when living with at least one similar companion, and pets that live without another Guinea pig sometimes become lonely and depressed. On average, baby guinea pigs come in litters of 2-4, and weigh 70-115g. However, separate male guinea pig babies from their mothers when they turn about two months old. A single guinea pig living by themselves often become gloomy, confused, and spiritless. Guinea pigs eating babies is a rare but possible occurrence. Once the baby guinea pigs turn 3 to 4 weeks, separate them from their mother, especially male guinea pigs. Wheek: The shrill noise a guinea pig or other small rodent makes. Although its very uncommon, there is still a possibility that a mother guinea pig will engage in filial cannibalism. Whereas there are over 13 Guinea Pig breeds, English, Abyssinian, and Peruvian Guinea Pigs are the most well-liked. Pet owners know that keeping a guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful experience. Lets explain why guinea pigs may eat their babies. How to Take Care of a Female Guinea Pig With Babies - wikiHow We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that it was low enough for the babies to reach it. They will begin to wriggle and move about as soon as theyve been licked clean by their mom. A baby guinea pig is called a pup. Sometimes adults will do this with each other too. Guinea pig pregnancies are dangerous and the mortality rate is high both among guinea pig mothers and babies. If that happens in captivity, thats extremely rare. Other guinea pig owners would like to breed their piggies. And of course, when you run a finger over the area, you wont feel a penis! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. Rather, they belong to a rodent species called cavies. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Some times, she shows me her displeasure if I have been away overnight and my neighbors fed her. (Benefits, Risks, Servings & FAQs), Baytril For Guinea Pigs (Side Effects, Efficacy, Dosage & FAQs), Signs Your Guinea Pig Hates You (Top 7 & And How to Fix It). Many time, the pup gets killed accidentally and the mother eats it because she has a survival instinct. My first piggy some years ago did a big dance of joy each time I came back home after some days of being away. They also live for several years, longer than most other rodents, so you can enjoy them longer than other pet rodents. This is especially true for mammalian animals, who often form strong attachments with their young. They have learned quite a few life skills from their mother and are ready to go to their new homes. Read More Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines? At three weeks of age it was still hard for us to tell the difference between the males and females. 11. Just like big farmyard pigs! Certainly not, they only remember their parents for a particular period. An inexperienced sow might accidentally damage her young with her teeth whilst trying to clean them up after the birth. In order to have a peaceful pregnancy and birth, there are some things that you can do: Many people underestimate how much space a guinea pig needs, along with other types of rodents. What Are Common Health Problems in Guinea Pigs? In situations where one of your guinea pigs crosses the rainbow bridge leaving one behind, the guinea pig left behind might not be so receptive to a new cage mate. In this article weve answered some frequently asked questions about newborn baby guinea pigs like: Whether you have a surprise guinea pig pregnancy or a planned one, there are a few things you will want to prepare in advance to make sure you are ready when your newborn baby guinea pigs arrive. What is a Group of Guinea Pigs Called? The causes are different for each species. (And Other Key Terms), How Often Should You Clean a Guinea Pigs Cage? Some say that they do not form the same type of attachment as other animals, while others believe that they do experience a certain level of sadness after their young have been weaned. (Find Out Now), 10 Reliable Cage Liners for Guinea Pigs (What You Need to Know), Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? Make sure to feed your guinea pig hay of high quality. Theyre filled with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients that guinea pigs need. So the remaining milestones left to look for relate to growth, feeding, behavior and sexual maturity. Theyve learned all the skills they need for independence, and theyre ready to leave the nest. Bellinger, S. A. et al, An ecologically relevant guinea pig model of fetal behavior, Behavioral Brain Research, 2015. Newborn Guinea Pigs Pups Care, Feeding, Vaccines, and More - The Big Zoo I thought they would be born helpless and look like baby rats or hamsters with no fur and their eyes closed. How do you tell if a baby guinea pig is a boy or girl? For example, they can eat blueberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon, passion fruit, melons, bananas, and many more. This is an essential process as it helps to ensure that the young guinea pigs can develop properly. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). Although they spring out with open eyes and fully furred, piggie pups are still small and fragile at first. When the pregnant guinea pig is about to give birth, the male guinea pig must be separated from her because, within 12 hours after giving birth, she can become pregnant again. Do Guinea Pigs Recognize Their Owners? (How to Tell) Some guinea pig moms have their maternity care kicked in as they give birth while others take some time . Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnip Greens? Guinea pigs are not only kept as family pets, but like dogs, cats and rabbits, they are also bred for show. They need to stay with their mother guinea pigs and suck their milk, but they will quickly become active. Remember to remove any they leave, as it will spoil quickly. The larger the litter, the smaller the pups (as a general rule), so ideally you wouldn't want too many pups born at once. Female cavies are called sows and males are called boars. Begin by holding your guinea pig gently on their back. But many experts recommend that pups be weaned as late as 6 weeks. Guinea pigs definitely can eat clementines. I didnt know how we would handle it if Theo rejected her babies or even worse ate her young! That way she doesnt have to deal with the stress of more pregnancies. Dwyer, C.M., et al, The effect of maternal undernutrition on the growth and development of the guinea pig placenta, Journal of Developmental Physiology, 1992. Individuals will be starting to show their own distinct personalities too. If you look after the guinea pig mother regularly, she will allow you to touch her baby guinea pigs. Filial cannibalism is when animals eat their own offspring. RSPCA Knowledgebase Let Australias most trusted animal welfare charity help you answer the big questions. The more factors that are present, the higher likelihood shell eat her pups. But, fruit should only be given as an occasional treat. If you carefully run a finger over the area, you should be able to feel the shaft of their penis under the skin. The surprising truth is that it happens more often than youd think. Some of the cutest animals kill and devour their offspring. You need to make the entire environment guinea pig-friendly. In the meantime, if you havent seen enough sweet pictures of baby guinea pigs yet, then why not visit our compilation of favorite guinea pig videos. Our goal is to make Guinea Pig Den the ultimate resource for learning about your new guinea pig and helpful information before you bring one home as a pet. Why would a pet guinea pig eat its own babies? The same goes for males. If possible, you should be present during the birth to provide support and comfort to the mother. Do everything you can to fulfill the wants and needs of the pregnant female, to make her feel safe and comfortable. But, only serve them as an occasional treat, because the high sugar and water content can cause health problems like obesity and diarrhea. A mother guinea pig needs to clean the babies and eat the afterbirth to chemically generate the mammary glands to start producing milk. Six or seven weeks old is the age at which most breeders will let their pups go to their new homes. On the other hand, if it turns out that they dont form any attachment to their young, then we can rest assured knowing that there isnt anything we need to worry about. Piglet Okay, so it's not that clever. Extreme Stress -. Your pregnant and lactating guinea pigs should have access to alfalfa hay in the last weeks of their pregnancy. No matter how cute baby guinea pigs are, one litter at a time should be plenty for most people to think about. Try brushing your pets coats regularly as this can create soothing and pleasant connecting experiences. If separated from their parents, they may become anxious and depressed. Check out these most popular guinea pig products on the market: Last update on 2023-02-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? Continue to give milk to puppies for 21 days even when they start eating solid food. Your Baby Guinea Pig - What To Expect And How To Look After Them New Plymouth Vet Group. A newborn guinea pig might weigh around 3.5 ounces or 100 grams. While it is certainly possible that guinea pigs may experience separation anxiety after their babies have been taken away, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that this is the case. Your Baby Guinea Pig What To Expect And How To Look How long do guinea pig babies stay with mom? Sadly yes, guinea pig mothers do sometimes eat their newborn young. They reach their adult size very quickly. When a guinea pig mom is caring for her babies, she teaches them the necessary skills they need to survive in the world. Simon or George More classic goodies. Between then and reaching their full adult weight several months later, you might hear them being described as juniors. The reason is that male guinea pigs mature sexually very soon and can impregnate their mother as young as 2-3 months of age or even earlier. The standard litter can range from one to six little pups, with an avg. How do I know when my guinea pig is ready to give birth? If your guinea pig becomes acquainted with someone they don't trust, they may become quiet or hide when that person is nearby. Approach them face-on, so they can see you coming. They have small bodies and big eyes. You might also notice they squeak in distress when you take them away from their mom. At first your guinea pig baby may seem afraid when you pick him up. No. In this article, we will focus on some important aspects of caring for guinea pig babies. Newborn guinea pigs weigh between 60g and 115g. Guinea pig babies are born very quickly. Youre gonna want to read this. Many living creatures eat other members of their species when necessary for survival. Im guessing you probably have a lot of questions about guinea pig pregnancies. We try to conform to the same standards and expectations when it comes to animal interactions and instincts. There are different ways you can give your guinea pigs attention, and one of them is a good, old-fashioned daily petting session. She is more likely to eat her babies as she can confuse the placenta and the babies. However, we always recommend having more than one guinea pig because these small animals are social creatures and they need company. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Baby guinea pigs are called pups just like baby dogs. This can be very misleading especially when it comes to motherhood as many animals eat their offspring in certain circumstances. It is famously difficult to sex baby rodents, so the easiest way to be sure which of your pups are girls and which are boys is to ask a more experienced mentor, or a vet, to help you. First of all, dont be too hard on yourself. Its better to have a cage that is much larger than a cage that is too small. This is one of the biggest reasons why a sow will engage in filial cannibalism. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? How Can You Prevent Your Guinea Pig from Eating Its Young? Once labor is established, all the pups usually arrive within half an hour. Guinea pigs may miss their parents, but more research must confirm this. Giving birth is very stressful for the guinea pig mother and the babies. It's often the result of starvation, stress, inexperience, or trauma. This is pretty rare. The answer to this question is not entirely clear. Do guinea pigs miss their babies? Guinea pigs love to communicate. Over the next 2 weeks, decrease the feeding time gradually. Guinea pigs make the best mothers and give puppies the best chance of survival. Make sure she always has enough food. Also, female guinea pigs eat their young if they are overstressed and afraid because they cannot handle the situation. So, what is the answer? However, you should err on the side of caution. If she is pregnant, her chances of suffering from some illness will also increase, which will tempt her to eat a lot. Most species clean their offspring with their tongue and so do your little friends. Ask your vet for advice if this isnt the case. Once they die, she might eat them. Do Guinea Pigs Nurse Their Young? This Is What You Should Know! Alternatively, you can contact local small animal shelters and ask if they have any baby guinea pigs for adoption. This is especially true if pet parents have not given their pregnant sow enough food. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? It was fascinating to watch our new mom clean up after her newborn baby guinea pigs. Here are some things we had to think about when we found out our guinea pig was pregnant: We adhered to the following recommended feeding guidelines for pregnant guinea pigs: RELATED: CLICK HERE to read about our unexpected guinea pig pregnancy and how to tell if your guinea pig is pregnant. It is fine to carefully handle your new guinea pig pups during their first week, but be sure to allow them plenty of time with their mother as well. (Find Out Now). It can therefore be tempting to pick up and cuddle the little babies right away! They Talk to You A.K.A. MY GUINEA PIG HAD BABIES - YouTube Guinea pigs are docile small animals. Use the tips in this post to understand why piggies eat their babies and to prevent it from happening. Yes, guinea pigs do eat their babies. The size of the pups is often relative to how many pups there are in the litter. If your guinea pig becomes restless or starts to squeak loudly it is a sign that he is ready to go back to his cage. This is called precociality. However, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their young at all because guinea pigs are herbivores. Every baby guinea pig needs its mothers milk, which provides enough nutrition during the first crucial days of their lives. Bartesaghi, R., Severi, S., Effects of early environment on field CA2 pyramidal neurons in the guinea-pig, Neuroscience, 2004. They can impregnate mom and sisters! It is perfectly fine to handle your new guinea pigs within the first week. The bond between a mother and her baby is crucial for the babys development. If youre going to be away for an extended period, you may also want to consider finding a friend or family member to care for your guinea pig in your absence. Newborn Baby Guinea Pig Care - An average sized pup measures around 3 to 5 inches at birth, and very cylindrical roughly the size of a tangerine in fact! Never again hear the dreaded sounds of your guinea pigs angry squeaks because you forgot to clean out their cage or feed them on timefor the fourth day in a row. Keeping your guinea pig healthy and happy is an ongoing process that will require lots of dedication and effort from you. In general, most female guinea pigs who survives birth and delivery will and raise her litter without any issues. Many people believe that guinea pigs get attached to their owners and that they miss their parents when they are separated. And if you push very gently, the penis might appear. But most people think of it as being around four weeks old, when they reach sexual maturity. I'm currently a pet groomer, and I love it. Most guinea pigs cages are designed for adult guinea pigs with a one inch space between the bars. Clements, M. and Kelly, J. Cage size Will the baby guinea pigs be able to escape? They will understand. It can be hard to tell when your pregnant guinea pig is going to deliver her babies because unlike dogs and cats, they do not prepare a nest. If you are a new guinea pig parent or have an unexpected pregnancy like we did, you too may have lots of questions about newborn baby guinea pigs. (n.d.). Guinea pigs mature quickly and will begin to nibble the hay, pellets and veggies fed to their mother within 24 hours. Although, some green beans and always bring us back together. Normally, they could be 3-6 inches long. Why Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? - Clever Pet Owners (Find Out Now)Continue, Choosing the right materials to use a as a cage liner for your guinea pigs cage can seem daunting especially when youre a new pet parent. Hold him against your chest to help him feel secure and safe. Once all the serious aspects of baby guinea pig care are in hand, you can turn your mind to more fun tasks, like picking their names. Even though they share similar names, guinea pigs do not belong to either the dog or pig family. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies - And How To Prevent It! This page is stuffed full of information about how to care for your baby guinea pig. Your guinea pig can definitely use more interplay with the loss of its buddy. Guinea pigs are also notorious communicators, and they start vocalising from babyhood. Watch this video to learn more about guinea pig. This is where they learn how to bond and behave in a herd. Some times, she shows me her displeasure if I have been away overnight and my neighbors fed her. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is provide your guinea pig with plenty of love and attention, so it doesnt feel lonely. This is just enough space to allow the guinea pigs to escape. Guinea pigs are less likely to eat their own young than other varieties of rodents because a baby guinea pig reaches maturity quickly. Guinea pig cannibalism may occur in extreme cases of starvation. of 2-4. A guinea pig baby can show mating behaviors at about three to four weeks of age. Do Guinea Pigs Miss Their Babies - Midnight Pets *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. If guinea, Read More What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat? At those moments, the guinea pig mother can be very protective and you can be mistaken for a potential predator. Why Do Guinea Pigs Lick You or Other Guinea Pigs? A great way to get help raising your first litter successfully, and in recognising potential problems quickly, is by enlisting the support of a mentor. Male baby guinea pigs have a donut-shaped genital opening in front of their anus. If your sow has eaten her own babies, you may want to consider changing her living conditions. Many others survive but have problems.Additionally, theres thousands (if not tens of thousands) of piggies without good homes now. Even if guinea pigs cannot express emotions the way other pets like dogs or cats do, it doesnt mean they dont miss their owners when left alone for long. Even their own children. (2010, July 22). Walter or Bob These guinea pigs sound like they should be wearing business suits on Wall Street. Paying lots of brief visits to your litter with mother, and getting them used to gentle handling without worrying them are going to be a vital foundation of good socialization. If your sow is in a very small enclosure, this could cause her unnecessary stress. When you pick them up secure one hand beneath the stomach and one under the bottom and hold close to your chest. If your guinea pig consistently has enough extra food, the chances of her needing to eat her pups drop to near zero. 10. One of the ways they do this is through "wheeking". Whats your experience with newborn baby guinea pigs? Housing your guinea pig is not particularly difficult, as there are a large variety of hutches and cages commercially available. There are, Read More 7 Alarming Reasons Why Guinea Pigs DroolContinue, What fruits can guinea pigs eat? After three weeks, the baby guinea pig can be separated from its mother and placed with other guinea pigs or its owner. Other factors that make eating (or killing) the pups less likely include: piggies are natural herbivores and they have good maternal instincts (for rodents, anyway). This can hurt their health and well-being. How many babies do guinea pigs have in their first litter? I make sure to take good care of all the animals that come into my life. Why Do Guinea Pigs Sometimes Kill Their Young? The importance of understanding whether or not guinea pigs miss their babies cannot be overstated. The gestation period is about 59 to 72 days or about two months. They are cheerful and love to run around, squeak, eat, play, and poop. Most people find guinea pig babies sweet and beautiful. (Find Out Now), Filial Cannibalism (and 7 Reasons Why Some Animal Moms Dine On Their Babies). One reason why a guinea pig mother might eat one of her pups is that she is extremely malnourished. Usually, the mother will eat the baby right after it's born. Make sure any seller houses male and female guinea pigs separately, or there could be a chance you'll take home a pregnant female. In almost all species, males are inherently territorial. Having a guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful experience. Besides, guinea pigs should eat about 1/8 of pellets, and about a cup of a mixture of herbs, vegetables, and fruits, but all in moderate amounts. The name pup calls to mind baby dogs, but guinea pigs actually belong to a family of rodent species called cavies. Watch carefully for signs of stress or discomfort. As they grow, baby guinea pigs will require extra calcium to help their bones develop properly. Well be discussing more about this in todays article. It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best.
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