{label: "If my license is reinstated, how long will I be on probation? ", slug: "what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing/"}, The Board accepts CES reports from the following organizations:. Additionally, extra fees may also be required. ", slug: "how-long-is-the-license-period-once-it-is-issued", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-long-is-the-license-period-once-it-is-issued/"}, If you failed to renew your license during the renewal period (annually between September 15 and October 31), you must meet all of the reinstatement requirements. There are steps that you can take to have it reinstated, and it is usually fairly easy to do. Notify to their employer validation of a current license upon receipt of the official licensure notification. This is the report of licensees that did not renew during this period. ", slug: "must-i-complete-a-comprehensive-evaluation-if-i-completed-treatment-somewhere-that-isnt-listed-as-an-abn-recognized-treatment-provider", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/must-i-complete-a-comprehensive-evaluation-if-i-completed-treatment-somewhere-that-isnt-listed-as-an-abn-recognized-treatment-provider/"}, } You would be able to complete the endorsement process at any time within that period. If you are addicted to alcohol or other drugs, this may also cause a problem, particularly if you have not had treatment. $resultsContainer.appendTo("body"); For more information, please see the Endorsement to Licensure: General FAQs. After entering the site, select the Alabama Nursing Resource Center, then select the Nursing CE tab. {label: "What do I have to do, if am applying for Licensure by Examination and I am graduate of Foreign Nursing Program? No, we do not complete other Boards paper verification requests. Do not reapply for licensure by examination until after you receive your official test results by mail notifyingyou of failure. (4) reinstatement of a revoked or suspended license requires proof of meeting the renewal requirements as set forth in these rules adopted by the board, and payment of the reinstatement of current or lapsed license fee. However, if you intend to use the results of the Comprehensive Evaluation toward reinstatement of your revoked nursing license, you should complete and submit the General Release & Authorization to Disclose (Form 3). Graduate Nurses . {label: "What do I have to do to unretire my nursing license? ", slug: "how-much-do-the-drug-screens-cost", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-much-do-the-drug-screens-cost/"}, Contact hours earned for reinstatement of a lapsed license cannot be used toward the continuing education requirement for the next license renewal period. Physical Therapy Board Meeting Information: Dial: 1 (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 954 3221 2402 Passcode: 769520. ", slug: "what-do-i-have-to-do-if-am-applying-for-licensure-by-examination-and-i-am-graduate-of-foreign-nursing-program", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-do-i-have-to-do-if-i-want-to-apply-for-licensure-by-exam-if-i-am-a-graduate-of-a-foreign-nursing-program/"}, ABN licenses nearly 90,000 registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and approves advanced practice nurses, making nurses the largest population of professionals regulated by any single licensing board in the state. {label: "How may I get a Comprehensive Evaluation? To activate the collaboration under the APRN's Temporary Approval granted by the ABN, the physician will need to submit the Commencement of Collaborative Practice Form and $200 fe e on the Board of Medical Examiner's website ( https://www.albme.org/uploads/forms/collpraccommform.pdf) . {label: "Do I need a mental health Comprehensive Evaluation? ", slug: "why-is-my-license-listed-as-revoked-when-i-voluntarily-surrendered-it", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/why-is-my-license-listed-as-revoked-when-i-voluntarily-surrendered-it/"}, You will be sent a bill or you may pay the bill online if you request it as a licensee of the Alabama Board of Nursing. Yes, unless your selected provider is willing to submit required documentation in order to become a Board-recognized provider. {label: "Do I have to have any CE to Reactivate my license? typeAhead: true, {label: "Will it help to call and check on the status of my application? Start your journey today! ", slug: "how-may-i-get-a-copy-of-my-previous-order", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-may-i-get-a-copy-of-my-previous-order/"}, {label: "If I earn CE in the current CE earning/renewal period to Reactivate my license from Retired Status, may I use that toward the next renewal? Check the renewal requirements beforehand. Some states, such as Colorado have a tiered system where the number of required educational classes is based on the number of years your license has been expired. You must submit a request for an Actively Deployed Application with a copy of the military orders which were in place when your license lapsed no later than 60 days of return from deployment. Examination results, available only from your Board of Nursing, will be mailed to candidates approximately 3-5 days after taking the examination. Another problem may occur if you have not completed the required continuing education courses for that state; it is essential that you meet those requirements. ", slug: "what-do-i-need-to-have-my-nursing-program-submit-to-the-board", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-do-i-need-to-have-my-nursing-program-submit-to-the-board/"}, be of good moral character. Your school of nursing must be approved by the board of nursing of the state where it is located and the governing institution of the nursing program must be accredited by an organization recognized by the US Department of Education. $resultsContainer = jQuery('
'); ", slug: "how-to-verify-an-alabama-nurses-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-to-verify-an-alabama-nurses-license/"}, ", slug: "how-do-i-find-out-my-nclex-results", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-do-i-find-out-my-nclex-results/"}, An affirmative response does not preclude an individual from licensure and applicants are expected toread the questions carefully and answer honestly. If the expiration date listed shows 2022, "it means either you have not started to renew; you have not completed the renewal process; or you have not placed your license on inactive status." 8. If you are a United State citizen you need to mail in this checklist. jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $requestedFaqAnchor.offset().top-subtract_scrolling}, 300); {label: "Does the ABN accept electronic transcripts through eScrip-Safe and Parchment? } }) You must submit a completed application for reinstatement. {label: "May I apply for LPN licensure by examination in Alabama based on the partial completion of an RN program? 15, Applicant Checklist Review Prior to Applying. ", slug: "what-names-am-i-expected-to-provide-on-my-application", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-names-am-i-expected-to-provide-on-my-application/"}, You must submit documentation of having earned twenty-four (24) contact hours of CE within the past twenty-four (24) months. for(var i=0; i < faqs.length; ++i) { evt.preventDefault(); You must hold an active, unencumbered Alabama nursing license to qualify for Compact licensure in this state. Contact the Board of Nursing in the state where your school was located and inquire who was appointed receivership of the schools records. If you want to begin working in another state, you should find out the regulations of that state, as each licensing board has different requirements. {label: "What types of questions are in the Education section of the application? You must request your nursing program to submit an official transcript to the ABN in a sealed envelope. March 9, 2016 Immediately cease and desist from all activities as an RN and an Advanced Practice Nurse. {label: "What is a Comprehensive Evaluation? 14. You can conduct an internet search using . The documents must come from the agency that took the disciplinary action and must be certified by that agency. Discover our many awards and recognitions. You must show a pattern of recovery, and ability to document such, in order to demonstrate that you are able to comply with any monitoring stipulations imposed if the license is reinstated. LPN renewal is every ODD numbered year and RN renewal is every EVEN numbered year. ", slug: "what-if-i-had-an-lpn-license-in-alabama-but-now-im-an-rn-in-another-state", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-i-had-an-lpn-license-in-alabama-but-now-im-an-rn-in-another-state/"}, if(0) { For further information, please refer to the Licensure by Endorsement section. ", slug: "must-i-travel-to-have-the-comprehensive-evaluation-completed-if-i-am-in-a-state-that-does-not-have-an-abn-recognized-provider-listed-on-the-comprehensive-evaluation-provider-list", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/must-i-travel-to-have-the-comprehensive-evaluation-completed-if-i-am-in-a-state-that-does-not-have-an-abn-recognized-provider-listed-on-the-comprehensive-evaluation-provider-list/"}, You will have to select the type of license for which you are applying, RN or LPN. . Use My Signature to create a unique signature. {label: "May I use my nursing program college course work as my 24 contact hours of CE? No, you may not use that CE toward the next renewal of your license. {label: "Do I have to report criminal charges if I completed a period of probation and the charges were dismissed or the case was closed? ]; American Medical Education. Please provide admission and discharge summaries if treatment received. evt.preventDefault(); {label: "Do I really have to do all of this if I have already been licensed in another state in the US? window.open(faq.permalink, '_self'); resultsContainer: $resultsContainer, {label: "Do I need a substance use Comprehensive Evaluation? If, however, you have been licensed in a different category than the one you were licensed in in Alabama, you would need to endorse that license. PLEASE NOTE: The multistate endorsement application is only for use by nurses who do not currently hold Alabama licenses. return { 'name': item.label, 'value': score } Alabama licensed practical nurse candidates must have a post-secondary education that leads to a degree in nursing . {label: "How long is the license period once it is issued? {label: "How long does it take to get a license? jQuery('#sf-search-64033ef71a2c2').smartAutoComplete({ 27. A Verification includes all pertinent licensure information at the time that the Verification is issued. However, RN licenses must be maintained or else they expire. For example, a nurse or applicant, who is a US Citizen, may complete the form and take a photo of the form with the persons Drivers License in view on the form and email the photo to the email address on the citizenship form. if(faq.label == item.innerHTML) { ", slug: "when-do-i-re-apply-if-i-failed-nclex", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/when-do-i-re-apply-if-i-failed-nclex/"}, Content relevant to Nurse's Practice Attention RNs: If you did not . ", slug: "what-if-i-am-retaking-the-examination-what-do-i-have-to-provide-to-the-board", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-i-am-retaking-the-examination-what-do-i-have-to-provide-to-the-board/"}, break; Permalink Non-citizens with other documents are required to submit proof at time of original licensure and at eachrenewal. For a nurse with a nursing license that is expired longer than eight years that nurse must also provide proof of competency to practice by having a nursing license in another state or a verification by repeating the NCLEX. {label: "What is the $3.50 charge on my credit card when I pay for my license? {label: "How do I find out my NCLEX results? $resultsContainer = jQuery('
'); If placed on probation, you should also include the Order of Probation and official documentation of completion of the probationary period. Results may also be viewed here 24-48 hours after testing. First, you might check the board of nursing's website, as this information is often included online. There is just one program located in the state. Please note that each applicant should apply for licensure by examination in only one state. The licensee may renew the . You may request a Temporary Permit when you apply if this is your first time applying for Licensure byExamination (in any jurisdiction). The Boards requirements are very specific. Needless to say, it is far better to keep an RN license current than to let it lapse and have to have it reinstated. {label: "Should I send the paper verification request from the other Board of Nursings application? ", slug: "must-i-complete-a-comprehensive-evaluation-if-i-completed-treatment-at-a-board-recognized-treatment-provider", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/must-i-complete-a-comprehensive-evaluation-if-i-completed-treatment-at-a-board-recognized-treatment-provider/"}, The primary purpose of the Subscription Service is to provide employers with real-time information regarding changes to the status of the nursing license of its employees. ", slug: "what-is-the-difference-between-the-information-included-on-license-lookup-and-a-verification", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-is-the-difference-between-the-information-included-on-license-lookup-and-a-verification/"}, this.value = ''; }); Forms may be submitted by email (preferred), mail, fax, or in personat the Board office. var filtered_and_sorted_list = jQuery.map(source, function(item) { You should answer the Regulatory Questions honestly and you may be contacted to provide additionaldocumentation regarding your disclosure. Your typed electronic signature on the application affirms that the information you provided on the application is accurate and true. Once you have submitted a renewal application, you may check the status of your license by accessing your Nurse Portal account, or accessing the ASBN homepage and clicking on the . ", slug: "what-specific-information-am-i-expected-to-provide-in-the-license-type-section-of-the-application", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-specific-information-am-i-expected-to-provide-in-the-license-type-section-of-the-application-2/"}, Licensees are only to submit evidence of continuing competence if specifically . jQuery('#sf-search-64033ef70e126').smartAutoComplete({ Yes, if the license is reinstated on probation. The practice is not in effect until all requirements are met. Offenses must be reported to the Board even if you received a suspended imposition of sentence and the record is now considered closed. {label: "What is the Affirm, Pay, & Submit section of the application? ", slug: "what-information-do-i-list-about-previous-licensure", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-information-do-i-list-about-previous-licensure/"}, RENEWAL OF LAPSED, EXPIRED ALC OR LPC LICENSE RENEWAL For information and forms to renew lapsed or expired ALC or LPC license, contact the office of the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling 205 458-8716 or 1 800 822-3307.
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